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Did you know that your driving habits can have a big impact
on your transmission? Nobody enjoys hearing that they need a transmission
repair. Some transmission repair
s are due to the age of your transmission,
while other repairs are caused by bad driving habits. A good way to prevent a
transmission problem starts with how you drive. Discover some of the ways that
your driving habits can be impacting your transmission.
4 Driving Habits to Avoid:
Shifting Gears Too Abruptly
For an automatic transmission, gears are supposed to be
shifted while your vehicle is completely stopped. If you shift gears while your
car is still moving, it can cause extreme wear on your transmission. Shifting
your car while in motion, even if it a slow-rolling, will have a harder
resistance to shift which can wearing out your transmission. This typically
happens when the driver is shifting from reverse to drive or from drive to
Not Engaging Parking Brake
When your car is not in motion, your parking brake takes the
pressure off of your transmission. Your transmission is responsible for the
weight of your car when the parking brake is not engaged. This is certainly
true when you park your car on an incline without the parking brake engaged.
Slamming on the Brakes
While there are those cases where slamming in your brakes is
necessary, it is not a preferred habit to do frequently. If you find yourself
slamming on your brakes regularly, it could result in damaging your
transmission mounts. So, it is best to save slamming on the brakes for the
times when it is most needed.
Accelerating Too Quickly
Accelerating quickly, such as after being stopped at red
light, can cause excessive wear on your transmission. Especially if you are
flooring your accelerator. Cars can only accelerator so fast. To prevent
excessive wear on your transmission, you should be careful to gradually
increase your speed when accelerating, instead of gunning it.
If you are having transmission issues contact today. We offer a Free initial check out. Eagle Transmission Shop in Mesquite Serving all of the Dallas area including Lancaster, Garland
, Scurry
, Seagoville
, and More.
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