What is a Transmission Control Module (TMC)?

February 12, 2021

What is a Transmission Control Module?

Transission Control Module

What is a TMC? The Transmission Control Module is vital for the function of an automatic transmission. Your transmission is the source of moving power, but the TMC component is responsible for making that happen. TMC keeps your car running by transferring power from your engine to your wheels. The TCM is depended on to determine the correct time and place to shift gears. Not only does the TMC control the transmission, but it also communicates with the central computer system to link your transmission and engine. Overall, the Transmission Control Module is a crucial part of your automatic transmission vehicle, since without it you would not be able to change gears.
Signs of a Failing TMC: It is not common for the TCM to fail, but it can in rare cases. Any minor problem with your TMC should be addressed to prevent further complications. A faulty TMC can affect other vital components in your car. The good news is that TMC issues are usually simple to diagnose.
Common Symptoms include:·Failure shifting gears·Erratic shifting·Not down-shifting properly·Fuel efficiency issues·Sluggish acceleration·Uphill stalling
What Should You Do with a Faulty TMC? If you are experiencing signs of a faulty transmission control module, you should get it checked out as soon as possible. It is not safe to drive a car with a transmission issue or failing parts. Driving with transmission issues could get you in a predicament, such as failing to change gears properly or not changing gears at all.
So, are you having signs of faulty TMC or any transmission issue? Get it diagnosed by a professional transmission mechanic (like Ealge Transmission Repair Shop ) as soon as you can. A proper diagnosis can ensure the root of the problem and determine the best way to repair your transmission issues. We serve all of the Dallas Area and Surrounding Areas

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