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Is your transmission kicking when you shift? Are you
experiencing hard shifting? There are a few possible causes for hard shifting
and a kicking transmission. A transmission that causes jerky shifting or
kicking when you are trying to shift is a very common transmission problem.
Often, hard transmission shifts are a consequence of an inadequate
amount of transmission fluid in your transmission. It can also be the result of
dirty, old transmission fluid that needs to be replaced. Overheating is a
common sign of low or old transmission fluid, which is caused by the fluid
oxidizing and not being able to properly cool the transmission through
Transmission kicking can have a couple of possible
causes—such as clogged/loose vacuum lines or sensor-related problems. What is a sensor-related problem?
Throughout your vehicle, there are electronic sensors
constructed to send signals and receive signals from the internal computer
system in your vehicle. A few sensors are relied on to determine when the
transmission changes gears. So, when there is a sensor problem the computer can
get crossed, which leads to hard shifting problems.
What is a Clogged/Loose Vacuum Line?
The vacuum lines measure the amount of vacuum in the engine.
If there is an improper amount, it can become hard to shift or cause other
problems. If a vacuum line is leaking, clogged, or loose, then the vacuum
pressure is no longer the correct amount of pressure. When the transmission pressure
is affected, it can cause multiple problems, such as hard shifting.
If you are experiencing any of these transmission issues or
any other transmission problems, don’t hesitate to get it checked out by a
professional transmission technician like Eagle Transmission Repair. You don’t want to wait until your vehicle
no longer works, because once a vehicle is showing major signs of transmission failure
it may be too late to prevent further damage. So, get your vehicle checked
sooner rather than later! We Free Towing with major Transmission Repair in Dallas
/ Fort Worth Area
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